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Dariusz Stańczyk

WRITER, "Lis", "Starodrzewy"

DARIUSZ KRABOWY STAŃCZYK – also known as Krab, Krabiszcz, Kraboslav, and the Extremely Beautiful Krabik. Born in ’86, a philologist by education, he made his debut as a comic writer in 2014 with the comic book “Lis”, created in cooperation with the artist Jakub Oleksów. A translator, illustrator and a cuthroat, known for going places and looking good. Once upon a time, together with Artur Biernacki, Jakub Oleksów, Grzegorz Kaczmarczyk and Bozia, he created the online horror comic “Starodrzewy”. In recent years, he has worked on the translation of the “Conan” series (originally Dark Horse Comics), “Infinity Gauntlet” published by Egmont, and also guested on “Transformers Collection G1”. Currently, he is preparing for a comic book comeback with a publication with indecent content.

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Wojciech Łowicki

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