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dr Andrzej Molenda


Andrzej Molenda – doctor of physics, graduate of the Academy of Music in Lodz with a degree in Somatics in Dance and Therapy. He currently works at the Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics in Warsaw. He is the author of several publications on field theory and paradoxes of quantum nonlocality, as well as an article comparing chaos theory with dance improvisation. His experiences in various fields of science, dance and pedagogy have resulted in the educational program “Physics in Dance”, which is part of the research on embodied knowledge. Since 2019, he has been working in an artistic duo with dancer Zuzanna Kasprzyk as a collective hunters-gatherers. Among other tools, they use ChatGPT in their artistic work (e.g., in the CyberWill performance presented at the 2023 ShakespeareOFF Festival).

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