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Łukasz Godlewski

COMICS ARTIST, "Malarz", "Miłość", „Benia Dampc i pewien ambitny prokurator”

ŁUKASZ GODLEWSKI is a comic book creator, cartoonist and illustrator from Gdańsk. He made his debut with the comic book “Miłość” published by Smallpress.pl in 2012. He co-created such comics as Benia Dampc i pewien ambitny prokurator (screenplay by Jerzy Szyłak), “Kapitan Wrona” (screenplay by Elżbieta Żukowska), “Niesamowite opowieści Josepha Conrada” (screenplay by Maciej Jasiński), “Rotmistrz Polonia” (screenplay by Łukasz Kowalczuk). He has also illustrated several episodes of the Drabblecast and NoSleep Podcast podcasts (one of the most popular horror podcasts in the world). He currently lives in exile in Krakow.

In 2021, he conducted a crowdfunding campaign on the Kickstarter platform, thanks to which he financed the publication of his own comic book “Malarz”. “Ważny był tylko numer” (screenplay by Maciej Cholewiński) will be released at the 34th MFKiG.

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