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Marcin Waincetel

JOURNALIST, PanAnimacja.pl, KulturaKryminalu.pl

MARCIN WAINCETEL – journalist, editor, teacher, creator of PanAnimacja.pl, the most popular website on animation in Poland, as well as KulturaKryminalu.pl, a website dedicated to crime stories. Contributor to cultural websites and trade magazines – including ‘Lubimyczytac.pl’, ‘Świat Wiedzy’, ‘Nowa Fantastyka’.

Outside expert for consultations on the production of films and animated series, speaker at festivals and events devoted to popular culture. Enthusiast of Disney and Pixar classics, Ghibli studio classics, superhero stories. Fascinated by the development of new technologies, the impact of cinematography on education, he believes that dreams are actually plans to be realised.

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