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The award winners of the 29th MFKiG!

Festival awards 2018

The jury of the short comic story competition: Katarzyna Witerscheim, Wojciech Birek (the head of jury), Łukasz Mazur, Rafał Skarżycki i Paweł Timofiejuk, after careful consideration of each competition entry has decided to award the prizes and give out special mentions as follows: three equal special mentions for the sum of 1000 PLN each to Bartosz Sztybor (story) and Minjung Kang (art) for “There’s no sweetness in chilli”; to Mateusz Wiśniewski (story) and Piotr Nowacki (art) for „Cykor” and to Kacper Kwiatkowski (story) and Piotr Leszczyński (art) for „Good times”; the third prize for the sum of 2000 PLN to Paweł Garwol (story and art) for „Kino”; he second prize for the sum of 3500 PLN to Tomasz Kontny (story) and Agata Wawryniuk (art) for „Rozmowa”; the first prize for the sum of 4500 PLN to Stipan Tadić (art and story, based on story by Andrija Škare) for „Goalkeeper”. The Grand Prix of the short comic story competition of the 29th International Festival of Comics and Games for the sum of 7000 PLN has been awarded to Bartosz Sztybor (story) and Henryk Glaza (art) for „Nos”. Kultura Gniewu publishing house award for the short comic story for the sum of 1000 PLN has been given out to Bartosz Sztybor and Henryk Glaza.

The award for the Best Polish Album published between the Festival’s editions (1.09.2017-31.08.2018), the jury (Dominika Węcławek, Karol Konwerski, Jarosław Machała, Jakub Oleksak, Marcin Kamiński, Maciej Pałka and Piotr Kasiński) went to Agnieszka Świętek for „Obiecanki” published by Kultura Gniewu.

The organizers awarded the title of the Best Polish Publisher – for bravery in entering the Polish comics market, for researching and bringing exceptional and original comic books created by important authors from all over the world and thought-through publishing policy – to Non Stop Comics publishing house.

The doctor humoric causa title, or the Papcio Chmiel Award for extraordinary merits in Polish comics world has been awarded to Wojciech Jama for enthusiastic love of Polish and foreign comic art, for collector’s passion and exceptional perseverance in working towards his goals.

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